So is it a sign of the technological times, or am I obsessive compulsive about my computers, social networking etc. or I am just mental? Sometimes I cannot remember the last two words I said, or can’t remember why I entered a room, or better yet have an idea pop in my head, not write it down and within minutes I am searching the recesses of my brain for what the hell it was.
But ask me my passwords and I could recite them to you backwards and forwards, and I have a lot of passwords. I have too many passwords in my head, mine, my kids, and my work. If I am ever interrogated this is all they will find, jumbled numbers and letters, sometimes from my favorite movies all stored up there and nothing else. I can’t remember what day it is and forget half my sentence as I am saying it, call my kids by the wrong name, but passwords that I can do.
I have several from star wars, varying from the number of the cell Princess Leia was in, (AA23) to the number of the garbage masher that almost crushed the trio to death (3263827). I have used the docking bay that the Millennium Falcon was in on Tatooine (94), to the type of freighter the Falcon is (YT-1300) to of course the ever favorite of Star Wars fans THX 1138 and variations thereof. I also have used ones from another obsession of mine, Titanic, the ship not the movie, although I do love the movie as well. I have used everything from the coordinates of where the ship went down to the hull number and the date of the sinking, as well as an ever present favorite of mine the distress call tags from the Marconi radio calls for help, CQDMGY.
People laugh at me for my penchant of using these for passwords, but think about it, they are numbers that are stuck in my head anyway from being an obsessive fan, and they are not easily guessed by hackers, because they are not my birthday, my kid’s birthdays, my address etc. Of course I am giving them away here, but since you don’t know my email address and what accounts I am referring to I feel relatively safe writing about it.
Like my pet’s names and children’s name for that matter anytime something needs to be named or password protected I seem to pull it from my favorite movies. As I write this I just thought of another one, the address of the house in Poltergeist, and the name of the house complex they live in Cuesta Verde (which by the way if you really want to see how obsessed I am, means it costs green in Spanish, I googled it years ago.)
So what is my point, the moral of my story? Well I guess the point is that I cannot remember what I start to write about half the time, but if it is something from Star Wars or other movies I am obsessed with or a password derivative thereof, I can recall it like it is a matter of life or death. My friends think it’s funny that I know who Sy Snoodles is, or better yet Salacious Crumb, but I do and because of it I can bet my account won’t get hacked before theirs does. So I guess the moral today kids is love Star Wars, it can protect your online accounts Ha! Help Me Obi-Wan Kenobi..I need a Star Wars support group.
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